Course Description

It’s easy for us all to become self-focused in our selfie culture. We can also feel helpless in the face of so much bad news in the world. Rather than giving in, how can we help our kids push back against the negativity? 

This course is for you if:

  • Your child is asking about things they see in the world, like poverty, injustice, racism, etc.
  • You worry your child is becoming overly self-focused.
  • Your child is seeking ways to create positive change in the world.
  • You are seeking ways you and your child can get involved in causes that you care about together.

What Will I Learn?

  • How to initiate these conversations with your child.
  • Ideas on how to help them find discover what they care about.
  • Ways to support your child as they get involved in causes that matter to them.
  • How to encourage your child to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Encouraging kids make a difference isn’t just good for other people and the planet – it also builds their resilience, outlook and self-esteem. And it's great way to integrate your values into actions you take together as a family.

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  • Instructor

    Dr. Jillian Roberts has been working with children for more than twenty years, first as a primary schoolteacher, then as a child psychologist and an associate professor of educational psychology at the University of Victoria. She is the author of the critically acclaimed “Just Enough” book series for children and the creator of the “Key Facts of Life” app. She has also published numerous scholarly articles and given presentations on educational and health psychology around the world. Jillian is also a wife and mother of three children.

    Dr. Jillian Roberts

    Child Psychologist